For the fourth year in a row, LOW has been chosen to organise the annual SME assembly, beating tough competition for the lead in the planning. We at SiliconHagen are proud to announce that we will be taking part in this - the must attend event of the year for all small to medium businesses and entrepreneurs.
As part of a strong team of innovative experts, consisting of Abbit Meeting Innovators, GOPA Com, and CoCreativeFlow - led by LOW, SiliconHagen will contribute to carrying out the newly won contract.
The SME Assembly that last year had as one of its main focuses the market for SMEs during the still ongoing pandemic, will this year address the vital role SMEs have on the post-covid economic recovery. Sally Low, Managing Director and Founder of LOW says:
“This year, we will be emphasising that by working together, and being resilient, SMEs (and those who support them) will be a major force in Europe’s post COVID recovery.”
The 2020 SME Assembly saw lectures from established experts in the field of economy and business such as Joseph E. Stiglitz, who gave a lecture on structural challenges that have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and suggested how SMEs can help create a greener and fairer society. Another speaker was Maja Göpel, who talked about implementing growth and the thought process of moving forward through the challenges of COVID-19 - not simply going back to the way society functioned before the virus.
This year will focus on the recovery process in Europe. As to who the speakers will be and the program of the assembly, you will need to stay tuned. Exciting things are in the works, and SiliconHagen is looking forward to showing how new technology and innovation can support the financial recovery process and help businesses forward in a new and exciting way.
The SME Assembly will be taking place between November 15th and 17th in Slovenia, in the beautiful town of Portorož.
Official announcement from LOW: